
1643344496721Hello and welcome.

I am an urban designer with a background in architecture, urbanism, and building and city science (affiliate member of PIA and registered architect and urbanist in Brazil). I am interested in the production of high-quality well-designed public spaces which enhance the quality of life of the people using them. My research focuses on providing evidence to produce public open spaces that are thermally comfortable and promote the good health of users and the natural environments that surround them. My main focus is, therefore, designing for urban thermal comfort and urban microclimates, the relationship between urban microclimates and people’s health, and the impacts of climate change on them all. Whenever possible, I work with industry, stakeholders and citizens to understand where my research can provide useful evidence for contemporary pressing issues.

I have extensive teaching experience both in studio-based and theory-based subjects in architecture, urban planning, urban design, building and city science and landscape architecture. I am interested in exploring new technologies for effective and efficient teaching and learning of design methods and techniques. I also strive to encourage students’ critical thinking and support them in developing as future professionals.

Before the University of the Sunshine Coast, I worked at James Cook University (Australia), Lincoln University (New Zealand), as a visiting researcher at the ILS (Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung gGmbH) (Germany), and the UFT (Universidade Federal do Tocantins). I also have work experience as an architect in Rio Grande do Sul State, in the south of Brazil, where I also undertook my BArch and MSc.

In this blog I share my passion for urbanism, architecture, landscapes, and building and city science.

For further information, here are my institutional profile at USC,  andmy LinkedIn profile, or contact me here.

Hope you enjoy the visit!

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. Parabéns pelo blog Silvia. Muito interessante. Nosso blog, o Pagus, vamos colocar novidades sobre estudos referentes a paisagens. Um abraço.

  2. Obrigada Lucimar!
    Eu conheço e sigo o Pagus, muito bom poder saber aqui de longe o que vocês têm feito na UFRGS. Tem sempre tanta coisa interessante acontecendo por aí!

  3. Olá Silvia Tavares, estou finalizando o curso de design e o meu trabalho de conclusão de curso e a revitalização de uma praça urbana o que você acha de eu usar o conceito PLACEMAKING para o meu trabalho???

    1. Oi Sadi,

      Escrevi há algum tempo aqui no blog um post sobre placemaking (a versão original em português está aqui:

      Na minha opinião placemaking é um conceito que tem potencial, mas merece certos cuidados. Se quiseres conversar mais me manda uma mensagem pelo link ‘contato’ aqui no blog ( e vamos falando por email.

      Boa sorte!

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